Keynote: The supporting role of numerical optimization for decision-making in simulation-based engineering design

Keynote: The supporting role of numerical optimization for decision-making in simulation-based engineering design


Keynote by Professor Michael Kokkolaras:
The supporting role of numerical optimization for decision-making in simulation-based engineering design

When: 10:00 Monday 22nd October 2018
Where: J1610, Blekinge Tekniska Högskola, Campus Gräsvik, Karlskrona

Computational modeling has enabled accelerated the assessment of engineering design alternatives. At the same time, the increasing complexity of such models and the required multidisciplinary analyses has maintained, if not increased, numerical challenges such as the unavailability of gradients (or unreliable approximations thereof), prohibitive computational cost, and even the models’ occasional failure to return a value in unexplored areas of the design space. In addition, coordination techniques are required to account for system interactions when the design problem has been decomposed to address computational issues related to dimensionality and/or convergence.

In this talk, we will present methods, algorithms, techniques and strategies developed to alleviate the issues discussed above. We will discuss the use of derivative-free optimization and surrogate modeling, emphasizing the need for appropriate strategies and rigorous algorithms with convergence properties. We will then proceed with a non-hierarchical coordination method for distributed multidisciplinary design optimization. Engineering design benchmark problems from the literature will be used throughout the talk to illustrate the presented methodologies, demonstrate their usefulness, and stress that the primary role of numerical optimization in engineering design is to support the decision-making process, and not to deliver optimal solutions in the absolute sense of the term.


2 timmar